Spiritual Group Video

The Search Ep. 3 - "Why a God?"


Ask yourself...

  1. Why do you think people use science to discredit God?
  2. Why do you think people find it difficult to believe in things beyond what we take in through our senses?
  3. What do you think it means to say "God is Love"?

Adoration - Doug Prize

Do you feel the Holy Spirit tugging at you? Don't ;et that feeling fade away. Follow the calling.

The Spiritual Ministry would like to see the more men join together in prayer at Adoration. Exposition takes place every Tuesday in the Chapel from 8:30a - 6pm. Sign up using the link below.


Stations of the Cross

On Friday 3.22.2024, the Men's Group will be participating in the Stations of the Cross at 7pm in the Church. We are looking for volunteers to read and sing. Sign up using the link below.


Easter Egg Hunt 3.24.24

We will be hosting an Easter Egg Hunt after each mass on 3.24.24.  Baskets, candy and stuffed animal donations for the kids participating can be dropped off in the church Narthex. At least 4 volunteers are needed during each hunt. If you are looking for something to do and want to help, sign up below.


Mass on the Grass 4.14.24

The 5:30pm Life Teen Mass will take place outside on the hillside to the west of the upper soccer field. Attendees will be invited to join the Men's Group and Teens for Hot Dogs, chips and soft drinks afterwards. We will be asking for donations. Proceeds to benefit Life Teen. Volunteers will be needs for set-up, clean up, cooking and serving.

St. Vincent DePaul Volunteer Opportunity

An O'Fallon resident is needing help with yard work and clean up. If you're interested in helping, contact Bob Mueller for details.